So, you're a needy person and you're dining in a restaurant. You think that you're the only one who matters in that restaurant? Well, you are severely mistaken.
A server has a whole list of things they need to get done for each table. They are only one person.
Here are a few things your server might be doing when they aren't at your table.
The servers have other tables besides yours.
Contrary to what you might think, your server has multiple tables aside from yours, and those customers need to be taken care of too.
They're tracking down your food.
Your server realizes that your food is taking longer than it should.
They're most likely back in the kitchen, trying to figure out where your food is and how much longer it's going to take.
They have a million sides of ranch to grab.
Literally, every table wants ranch. Fetching it is basically a full-time job.
They're trying to split all of your checks.
You want split checks for your party? Or you only want to pay for certain things?
Accurately splitting up those checks takes time, so don't be impatient.
They're trying to put in your complicated order.
You have a very specific order full of modifications?
Your server is back in the kitchen, trying to explain what you want to the cooks. That's the only way your food will come out the right way.
They're helping tables that aren't even theirs.
Even if it's not their section, your server is running around grabbing things for other tables. It's called helping out their fellow servers.
They need to grab change.
Getting change can take a few minutes, especially if you need a lot of it. Don't try to rush your server just because you're the one who's in a hurry.
Being super needy at a restaurant just isn't necessary. Don't be rude to your server just because they're not at your table every second. They have other guests that need them as well.