"I am surrounded by too many couples. This is not fair. Why am I still single? Am I not allowed to be happy with someone in my life? Why can't I have the love that I read about in my romance novel books?"
If you are asking yourselves these questions, these statements, and hating life right now, I understand. Almost a year and a half ago I was in the same position as you guys. I was the third or fifth wheel with my friends all through high school and part of college. Did they do this on purpose? Absolutely not because I said they are happy and they wanted all of us to hang out together so I took that spot with honor for years. I am the supportive best friend when it comes to relationships and being there for them 100 percent no matter what it is!
Deep down though I always asked those questions to myself. I would cry tears in my pillow when the the guy I was talking to would pull on my emotions. I would question why I am not good enough for a man to realize that I am enough and that I do not need to change who I am for them to love me. I would wonder why they made me the "second girl" because the first girl was not available.
I was that girl that guys would come to telling me about their problems and would end the conversation by saying "I wish I had a girl like you" and that would break my heart. You have me sitting right there in front of you and you still put me in the friend zone.
Let me tell you this: all the tears, the anger, the frustration, and the feeling of being unwanted is worth it. Yes that sounds weird and crazy, but when you finally find that one and it is right you will feel something you have never felt before: acceptance. This is the best feeling in the entire when you find the one that works with who you are, but you have to wait for that feeling.
When I started talking to my current boyfriend of a year and three months, I was waiting for what the catch was. I was waiting to see what kind of girl he was looking for and if I even fit into the criteria. My wall was up and this time I told myself it was not coming down for any reason because I was done with dating and he was done with dating so we just became friends. We both actually learned more about ourselves when we started talking than each other, we both fell back in love with ourselves because we could see the best in each other, and because we gave each other the time to love ourselves, we fell for each other.
So what does that mean for the person reading this who is tired of waiting for love? Be patient and your love will come for you. At the time when we both gave up on love is when we found the right love for us. I mean I honestly messaged him this exact or close to message: Hey! I hope you are having a great day and ps-ALL HAIL THE PUMPKIN KING! I kid you not I sent that to him because sending "Hey! How are you" was not working for me anymore.
Your love is waiting for you. Your happiness is coming your way. Focus on yourself and being happy with who you are-that is when your love will come into your life. Your story book love is still being written. Your tears are not being wasted. Your pain is not worthless. You are the best person for someone and they are waiting for you as well.