I am an 18-year-old that has only had one relationship ever and it didn’t last very long. I always believed I would meet a guy in high school and we would fall in love and get married. Yeah, that didn’t work out.
I know what you're thinking, “Mal, that is crazy,” but let me remind you my parents met when they were 13. So, when the high school boyfriend didn’t work out, I figured I would meet my soulmate freshman year of college. I mean, that’s why you go to a private Christian college right? Get that ring by spring? That didn't happen either. Apparently, you don’t just walk in to your math class and meet your future hubby.
So, here I am, about to be sophomore in college with no idea who I am going to end up with. I know there is no real pressure. I mean, I have a backup plan if I’m not married by the time I’m 30 but, still it would be nice if my cousin and I could double date, she has already found her soulmate, all we are waiting on is mine.
This past week, while I was on vacation, I got to talking to my mom and best friend about relationship, she is like me, a single Pringle. During this chat I came to realize I AM NOT READY FOR A RELATIONSHIP! Do you know how hard that is to come to terms with? Here I am wondering what was taking the guy so long and God revealed that it is me who still has to be pruned!
Now that I think about it, I am a hot mess. I have a crazy family. I am super ditsy. I have a very loud laugh and on top of all that I’m super needy! Are these the reason why God hasn't give me a guy? NO. God designed me that way, the reason he hasn't revealed to me my future husband is because my heart isn't ready yet. Do I know exactly all the ways God is going to work on me before i meet the one? NO. I have no idea what God has in store all I know he is telling me to wait!
I know when the time is right, God will send him my way. I mean maybe his heart isn’t ready yet either. Maybe we both have some growing up to do before God relieves his master plan.
What this all boils down to is I’ve been secretly craving a relationship and God has been trying to work on my heart but I was too busy to notice. Now I know God's not done preparing me for my happily ever after and I just need to trust Him.
So, I am giving up my hopes of getting that ring by spring and I am just going to listen to God and follow his directions. Who knows maybe I’ve never even meet my future husband, maybe I’ve passed him in the hallway, maybe we are friends or even best friends. No matter who he is I know God will send him my way when his heart and MINE is ready.