Hey, you!
Don’t think I can’t see you from my position hunched over a textbook
I might wear glasses but I’m not blind
I see you, silently judging me and my less than ideal body
I’m sorry my love handles offend you as I cram for my next test
Of course, I have nothing better to do
Cuz with a body like that I definitely can’t depend on my looks after high school
You think that’s why I study
Why my face is forever trapped in Physics, Chemistry, Biology
History, English, Mathematics
APs, IBs, SATs, ACTs
Reading, writing, reciting, again and again and again
Even when you’re out with your squad on the weekends
The Moms place a hand on my shoulder and shake their heads sadly
“Someday you’ll glow up, sweetie”
“Well, bless your heart!”
What a shame, what a pity
“A brain can’t get a ring, but a body can”
Well, I guess I should apologize again
For not being the ideal woman
For not looking like an instagram baddie, while going to the gym every day and still being able to eat whatever I want
Sorry for not caring about my acne, and stressing over every pimple that craters my face
Sorry for not Snapchatting my existence or live-tweeting the next Game of Thrones episode
Sorry for not being the Girl Next Door who smells like cherry lip gloss and has a cute sneeze
So the next time you and your friends snicker quietly in the library
Laughing at me from a distance, but knowing I can hear
Just know that someday I may or may not be your boss
Or better yet, you’re president
So let me say this in a language you’ll understand: sorry not sorry I’m not a pretty girl, and my makeup is not on fleek 24/7
And I don’t own Adidas or that crop top from Forever21
And I’m not a baddie and my ass isn’t the size of Texas
And I hope you can get over it #couldn’tcareless
Disclaimer: This is a fictional work of poetry. Names, characters, businesses, places, events