Longer days don't always mean warmer days when you live in Illinois or the anywhere in the Midwest, but that doesn't mean there aren't still some great benefits to that extra hour. Here are some things to look forward to now that our days are getting longer.
1. Sunlight.
I live in a dorm with windows facing a cement courtyard, so there isn't much sun even when the days are long. That being sad, the last couple months have made it even worse. I can't wait to come home from classes and see something other than darkness outside the window.
2. The cure to seasonal depression.
For anyone that says seasonal depression isn't real, they clearly don't live in a north or cold enough place. You might not notice it until about February, but dark and cold days can really get you down after a couple months. As soon as the time changes, it's the beginning of the cure. A little more light can make a huge difference on my mood.
3. Hearing time change horror stories.
Every 'spring forward' and 'fall back' time changes turns someone you know into a victim. While the stories range from waking up confused to missing work, they all become funny after some time... hopefully.
4. Anticipating the longest day of the year.
Although right now it doesn't seem possible for the sun to set any later than 6:30, every June brings the longest day of the year. If June 20 was a national holiday, it would be my favorite.
5. Warmer days, at some point.
While light and time are great, what everyone is really waiting for is spring. A light jacket and a walk sound more and more inviting the closer I get to spring.While losing an hour of sleep makes everyone grumpy the next morning, and a few casualties may come from the confusion, the longer days and extended sunlight are well worth it in the long run.