So, you’ve now taken your finals. Regardless of whether the tests went well or poorly, they’re over and done with. That means that all you have to do now is wait for your final grades to be posted!
“That’s all?”
“That’s not hard!”
You have now entered the waiting period. This awkward time between finals and posted grades is essentially Hell on Earth, because it is only natural to become anxious and nervous with the anticipation of those dreaded (or welcomed) letters. While playing this waiting game, here’s what you may feel like:
1. Spongebob waiting alone in a coffee shop
2. As Yoda is, patiently waiting
3. An impatient Vizzini
4. Calling your Spanish professor up and quoting April
...or any other teacher
5. Eating your feelings
6. Questioning life and humanity’s existence
7. Watson freaking out
8. Screaming
9. An angry alpaca
10. Giving up
11. This pepper
12. Trying to keep it together
13. Doing a hair flip because you're above waiting for grades
14. Putting on your angry face
15. Exploding
But really, don't sweat it! Because even if your grades are not what you had hoped...
...or if they make your day...