It seems as if syllabus week just happened, you haven't opened your books, but you have managed to make it out 7 nights a week (that counts for something, right?). It didn't hit you until your morning class ended with the cursed words, "Remember your midterm is Friday, it's 30% of your grade."
Wait....what???? How can I have a midterm? I don't know if I even bought the book yet! And here it comes, the phases of midterm week.
Phase 1: Denial: I don't have a midterm. It's only October? Whatever who cares about midterms anyways I have a week. I'll totally be fine.
Phase 2: Brushing it off: Okay fine, so maybe I do have a midterm, but I haven't looked at the book once this semester so I probably don't need to now. I totally got this. It's basically common sense. 2 hours max studying will do.
Phase 3: Going to the library: Okay I successfully made it to the library, as well as convinced my friends to come entertain me. Now what? Ugh I forgot snacks, I definitely cannot focus without snacks. Well I guess I'll just check Facebook quick to get it out of my system. 1 hour later...still have nothing done....okay today my brain just needs to relax, I guess. Tomorrow the work starts!
Phase 4: The study guide: Okay I feel good, I printed the study guide, I'm making progress. Wait I have never seen anything on this sheet this even for the right class?! Yup looks like it is. Okay well here goes nothing....
Phase 5: Nothing is getting done: Four hours later and I am still on the first page of the study guide! After the midterm I am totally going to be organized and not wait until the last minute for work ever again!
Phase 6: The night before the midterm: Stay up all night cramming and memorizing every detail you can. Consume pots of coffee in hopes of keeping your eyes open. Swear how much you hate this teacher and hate this class!
Phase 7: Midterm Day is here: Ughh...just hand it to me...question 1) I know this! woo!...question 2) come at me!...question 3) wait what...? question 4) did we even learn this!!!....class period ends. What! I didn't even finish!
Phase 8: Over it : Whatever, it's done with and I can forget all about that material....well until Finals...Don't even say Finals...