When in the food service industry, there exists a saying that is known by any long time worker, "Never mess with the person who handles your food." This is widely known, yet almost never followed. As we live in the world of convenience that we have today, so many people seem to think that just because they work a job that either has more importance, or pays more, that they are better than the person who is preparing their food, or serving them their meal with a smile. How is it that some people can have such an attitude towards a person that has to deal with close to a hundred other customers a day, because of a simple mistake?
The waiter or waitress who brings people their food could very easily not be there at all. At the very least, anybody who handles people's food could easily disregard customer satisfaction and treat customers to rude and vile behavior, as have been done to them. But waiters and waitresses and even cooks, try their best to give customers everything that is asked for, and more, with a smile that may very well hide their own personal demons. They serve up food, at minimum wage or less, where few others would like to work. It is true that they are doing this for the pay, but they are still putting effort into their work. And yet, some customers act as if they are so much better. While some people may wear business suits and ties for their jobs, others have to wear stupid uniforms and aprons for theirs. But, this does not make us any different. Everybody should realize that waiting staff and cooks are paid less than other jobs. Tips are pretty much the true pay of the waiters and waitresses.
They are showing you respect when they show their best smiles and best manners. Behind the scenes, they stress and suffer to make sure that you are treated like royalty. Busy nights and long shifts must not be allowed to show their effects on these people. If they do and an incident happens because of it, they may very well end up unemployed. Gracious tips can help cement great experiences, and great behavior and patience can make sure that they will think of you first and foremost among all other customers. A great customer who tips well and shows respect will be placed over any rude or vile customers. Respect can go a long way in the world we live in. Respecting your food handlers can make sure that you get the best meal possible.