Wait for the guy who stays through all of the endless arguments and almost break-ups.
The one who will stay up all night to make sure you don’t go to sleep upset.
Wait for the guy who constantly reminds you how beautiful you are.
Wait for the guy who knows how to make you smile even on the days you forget how to.
The one who makes you feel safe and calm the moment he touches you.
Wait for the guy who pushes you towards every dream you’ve ever had.
The one who makes you want to be the best version of yourself.
The guy who not only motivates you, but helps you achieve your goals.
Wait for the guy who is there for you when it feels like no one else is.
Wait for the guy who never stops surprising you.
The one who randomly kisses you on the forehead and shows you off to his family.
The one who talks about a future with you in it.
Wait for the guy who makes time for you without any excuses.
The one who knows everything that you are and loves you anyway.
The guy who you can have fun with no matter where you are.
The only one who knows the secrets that you were afraid to tell anyone else.
Wait for the guy who doesn’t walk away when everything falls apart.
The one who always makes sure you’re safe because he can’t imagine his life without you.
The guy who shows you what real love is.
The one who is your teammate in this game of life.
Wait for the guy who won’t give up on you.
Wait for him because no one else will be worth waiting for.