If you are single or even if you are in a relationship, I am sure you have heard someone tell you “wait for the guy” plus the word right somewhere in between. This is simply advice. Anyone who tells you this cares about you and your heart, including me. So just listen up for a bit...
Wait for the guy that
1. Loves Jesus
Wait for the guy that leads you towards God, not sin. Wait for the one that puts God before anything else in life. Someone that will show you that true love is so much more than physical attraction. Someone who will be honest, faithful, and caring because he knows what it takes to have a healthy relationship. Someone that will not only teach you to love unconditionally, but will also teach you a whole new way to love and praise the Lord. Remember that we only love because He first loved us.
2. Sacrifices for you.
Wait for the guy that will give you the last bite of his favorite sushi. Someone that will stay up late even when they are past exhaustion to comfort you during a breakdown. Someone who will compromise with decisions big and small, such as choosing a home location or deciding how to raise your children to just choosing a restaurant or movie. But you also must be prepared to sacrifice as well for the sake of your relationship.
3. Your family loves.
Personally my family’s opinion matters tremendously, especially on what I am looking for in a life partner. Wait for the guy that your parents trust. Someone who will want to meet and get to know your family. Someone that will love your family and will value their respect. Someone who wants to be a part of your family instead of wanting to pull you away from them. Always keep in mind that the people who make up your family know more about you than anyone else and they only want what is best for you.
4. Works hard.
Wait for the guy who is not afraid to get his hands dirty. Someone who would rather work for what he has instead of it being handed to him. Someone that will want to give you all that life has to offer, even if he has to work overtime for it. If you find a guy whose biggest flaws are working too hard and being too nice, you can consider yourself a very lucky girl!
5. Always makes you feel beautiful.
Wait for the guy who does even more than just tell you that you are beautiful. Wait for the one who makes you believe it. Someone who will give you a kiss on the forehead or cheek when you are sick. Someone that will take random pictures of you. Someone who will brag to his friends about you and want the world to know you are his. Someone who can make you feel like the most gorgeous girl when you are wearing mismatched pajamas, your hair is a mess, and your face is bare.
Sometimes it might seem like you will never find a guy with these qualities, but you should never settle for less than you deserve. Waiting for the guy that meets your standards is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. So keep your standards high and wait for that guy. because I promise it will be worth it.