We’ve all done it at some point. We’ve all said things that hurt someone’s feelings intentionally without a care about the repercussions. But does that make you a mean person? Does that make you callous? If you don’t do it often, then probably not. If you do, then possibly. At that point, you may be callous or possibly have antisocial personality disorder, which is when a person is "typically be manipulative, deceitful and reckless, and won't care for other people's feelings." Sometimes, we may come off that way, but is there a reason?
I always found it simpleminded when people say they " tell it as it is." I grew up learning to be a genuinely nice person. I respected my elders, comforted friends that needed a little empathy and kept a non-judgmental way of thinking when it came to discovering new things. But as I got older, things began to change, as they do for all children entering into their teen years. I became aware of things I had not noticed before and, to put it short, I was disheartened at what I saw. Innocence amongst friends and people I grew up admiring was replaced with things I was taught were unbecoming.
I have a soft, empathetic, compassionate inside; I always look for the good in people and I tend to bend over backwards for people who deserve my help. Being exposed to the world that we live in I developed a tough skin. I will love and support you, but the minute you say something that is wrong without even attempting to look at any sides, I will persistently assail you with facts and truth. Therefore, as any innocent child would do, I matured and then continued to mature and then still matured to the point where I was just unsettled at everything in the world.
The real world is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, so I developed opinions. More than often these opinions are not popular with people and the unpopularity only serves to annoy me even more. When I write articles about losing friends or hurtful comments about Guam and I come off as mean or rude, I’m not trying to, at least not intentionally. I'm doing it to express my personal opinion or make a point.
At times this may come off as snobbish, and I can admit that, yes, I sometimes am really snobby. I only feel that way, because I oftentimes get the feeling that I'm in a world of ignorance and a conversation about a controversial topic that is meant to be education can instantly turn into a pile of dung. Furthermore, it's frustrating when people say one thing, but they mean another. Childish attitudes irk me, so if someone wants to be childish, of course, I'm going to be the adult and put them in their place. I can be a complete and utter demon to people, but I think I do so mostly when they deserve it. I'm a reasonable man with strong words that I put to use when someone is being unreasonable.
So, yes, I am callous, but I’m also not. I’m not a bully that cusses you out for no reason or that demands your help when it’s undeserved. I believe in enlightening others and using truth when I give my opinions. If you're mean just to be mean, then you arecallous. A resilient exterior is needed when you face forces that will say you’re wrong, but if you’re wrong all the time and you just blurt things out, cough* cough* Donald Trump, then you’re just not a nice person.