In Romans 3:23 we see one of the most iconic verses in all of scripture. In it, we see that "all have sinned". Everyone has fallen short of the standard of Jesus. We're all in the same boat; we're all sinners. However, we have a choice to make when it comes to our sin. We can sit and soak in it or we can fight it. Which do you choose?
Every day we make a choice. We can either choose to continue to walk in a sinful lifestyle and not embrace the grace that God freely gives us or we can choose to make war on our sin. Walking in a sinful lifestyle is easy. Anyone can do whatever they want and attempt to justify it. It takes guts to admit to God when you're wrong and confess to Him what you did. It's hard. Personally, I get a little embarrassed because I know that I know better than to do what I just did. It's not easy but isn't it worth it to be obedient and do what God has called us to do and admit to Him when we miss the mark?
Personally, I like my sin. I wouldn't be tempted by it if I didn't enjoy it to some extent, but the ultimate essence of evil is thinking that something will satisfy us more than God will. God's satisfaction is lasting and eternal whereas the world's satisfaction is fleeting and temporary. You may like your sin as well but obedience to God is so much more satisfying. I promise.
Fighting sin isn't easy and it shouldn't be done alone. Alone we are powerless against our own sin. It's a safe bet that you will lose every time to your sin. That's why we need Jesus. Jesus has won the battle against sin already so why wouldn't you go to the One who has conquered sin and ask for help? Maybe it's pride, laziness, or apathy that makes you not want to reach out to the King of Heaven who took your sin upon Himself so that you might be made righteous. I get it. I don't like admitting when I'm wrong either but I'd rather be obedient than comfortable.
Listen, I'm not perfect and I'm not about to sit here and tell you that I am. The only person who is perfect is Jesus. I'm not perfect, you're not perfect, your pastor isn't perfect, etc. The bottom line is this, you either kill your sin or your sin will kill you. God cannot look upon sin. Come embrace the grace that He has for you. My prayer is that we wage war upon the sinful areas of our lives with the power of Christ in us and with our eyes focused upon the One who paid the price for our sin. May we pursue Christ and not worldly things. Much love and God bless.