This isn't a typical article about physical perfection, but more of rawness and vulnerability of the heart. A few weeks ago, I went through a rough situation and needed prayers desperately, but didn't ask for them. My pride stood in the way as insecure thoughts swarmed me; I didn't want anyone to know my struggle.
I I feel like so many of us today, myself included, feel the need to portray ourselves as well put together 24/7. We live in such a way that we keep our issues to ourselves, because heaven forbid anybody find out that we are less than perfect.
In all honesty, my life is hectic right now. My family isn't perfect, my grades sure aren't perfect, my financial situation isn't perfect. Guess what: that's okay. Jesus didn't come to this earth to save a whole bunch of perfect people. We are the opposite; we so desperately needed a savior and He freely gave Himself. Hiding our problems, fears, or insecurities will get us absolutely nowhere. Have you ever thought that sharing your struggles may be a good idea? That perhaps, somebody else has gone through a similar situation and has a testimony that could bring peace to you?
Galatians 6:1-3 says, "Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. Share each others burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important." (NLT) Vulnerability is beautiful. Opening your heart to someone else gives an opportunity for someone to share a burden with you. We are not meant to walk in isolation. Community is crucial, as iron sharpens iron. It is okay to admit that you are broken. Don't let pride be a hindering factor for seeking prayer. Find an accountability partner or a spiritual leader to open up to. It is a myth that we are supposed to be put-together all the time. Jesus said Himself that there will be trials (John 16:33), but He overcame them. So can we, through His power and the community around us. Open up and let light in; let other speak life into your situation. Don't keep it concealed. Your struggle can turn into a testimony to tell of the goodness of God.
Being vulnerable is beautiful.