I don't know about you, but I cannot seem to get to the golden shade that I so desperately want. Think I'm silly all you want, but being tan makes me more confident. Now, working 40 hours a week, during prime sun hours doesn't exactly help this dilemma, so I have taken the matter into my own hands. These are a few of the VSCO Filter pre-sets that make me feel just as sun-kissed and stunning as I aspire to be, from the comfort of my cubicle.
1. E8 +8, Contrast +1, Temperature -1, Saturation -1, H. Tint Magenta +3
2. HB2 +7, Contrast -1, Exposure -1, Temperature +0.5, Saturation +1, Fade +1.5, Grain +4
3. C8 +12, Exposure -2, Saturation -2/+2, Grain +3 (Optional)
4. C1 +12, Fade +4, Contrast +2, Exposure +2, Saturation -2, Tint +3
5. A4 +7, Exposure -2, Contrast +1.7, Temperature +1.7, Tint +1.0, Saturation -2.0, Skin tone -1.0
6. M3 +12, Temperature -1, Contrast +2, Saturation -1/+1
7. E3 +12, Temperature -1, Saturation -2, Skin -2
8. HB1 +8, Exposure -1, Temperature -1
9. C1 +12, Exposure -1, Contrast +2, Temperature +2, Saturation -2, Skin Tone -3
10. G1 +8, Exposure -2, Contrast +2, Saturation +2, Temperature -1, Fade +2
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