Do you ever scroll through Instagram admiring the girls with hot bods, attractive boyfriends and who always seem like they are on vacation? Yes, you know the ones with thousands of followers and every other post is an #ad. It tends to hurt your self-esteem, almost more than it hurt every teenage girl when One Direction went several directions.
Have you ever deleted a post from Instagram because it was not getting enough likes, or never posted it in the first place because it doesn't show off your rockin' bod or your hair was just a little off that day and you were concerned people would judge you? If you haven't, I would be more proud than I would be for Kim Kardashian finally admitting her butt isn't 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑙.
Apps like Instagram allow you to see how many people visited your profile that day, count the number of followers you have gained/lost and keep track of how many people like your pictures. Yes, every now and then it makes you feel a little better when someone comments "yes boo" or "so pretty" (if you have friends like this, please share them with me), but in the end it seems to do more harm. It has become too easy to compare yourself to the other beautiful women out there, rather than admiring while still praising yourself. You're doing great sweetie.
VSCO is the app that will descend onto us and save us from the forces of evil... that is if people wake up!! VSCO allows you to edit pictures with a little filter and color changes. But get this, this magic happens WITHOUT a count of followers or likes. VSCO is like when your grandma comes to town and starts making you food for no apparent reason, truly a blessing and we do not deserve her!
Go on and post those aesthetically pleasing pictures. Post two. Post three. Nobody would even care if you posted four in a row on VSCO! From the words of T.I., "live your life." Lose track of numbers, others' opinions, and just post what makes YOU happy!