Dear all voters,
Voting is one of the few things we have that belongs to us, it is our natural right as a citizen to vote. We need to take advantage of this so that we can protect our country and the people in it. America is the most beautiful and the powerful country there is in the world; we need to keep it this way. Voting seems to get harder every time. This year, the vote is down to who you hate less of the two. Both candidates have their faults but you have to pick and choose which faults fit your personal morals and personal preferences best. There is no right or wrong when voting because voting is pure opinion. None the less, voting is a beautiful gift we have been given by our country; I mean we the people choose who we pant in power every time! That is something we should take advantage of.
You need to look at details when voting, and essentially do research on the person you are picking on your ballot. Starting with the primaries, you need to do research on all candidates to pick and choose which candidate you like the most. This year the vote has come down to who you hate least. Hillary Clinton did something Nixon got impeached for, and Donald Trump says monstrosities and obnoxious, offensive things. Choose wisely, look at records, numbers, history. Compare and contrast how each candidate is in relation to someone who ruled in history. You need to envision your future when you vote a candidate because that is exactly what you are doing. This country and our founding fathers have given you, the American citizen, the right to choose your own future.
So, do me a favor: go home, get on your computer, phone, iPad -or whatever you have that accesses the internet- and do some research on who you want to vote for. Make America proud, be there for your country, be proud of being an American, embrace your roots and vote for who fits to your standards. Research extensively and educate yourself as if you would for an exam. We study for exams because we know that if we pass they will get us a step closer to our goal. Voting is your exam, if you are still thinking you do not feel like getting up and voting because the line is too long, sign up for absentee voting, get it in the mail and avoid lines. There is no excuse to put a halt on voting.
Do not let your country down, this country has given you all kinds of opportunities you would not have had elsewhere. Give back and appreciate the beauty of voting. So even though this voting season is hard as it is, go all over the internet and research every last accomplishment each candidate has had, evaluate the countries biggest problems and see how your candidate could change that when given your vote. Choose wisely, be brave, be bold, be American.
Do not ever forget that, “we the people, for the people, by the people.”
A proud citizen.