As we all know, we are on the final leg of election season! Every four years, Americans have the opportunity to chose who they want to lead the country for at least the next four years. With such a huge weight on our shoulders, it is vital that we realize just how important voting is.
It has been said many times, but this election is unlike any other. I feel as though people are either very strong supporters of one of the candidates, or they don't like either at all. In years past, I feel like elections haven't been as polarized as this year's. With people having such strong views on who they do and do not want to lead this country, the importance of voting is even more solidified.
If you have such strong feelings for or against either candidate, then it is crucial to get to the polls and make your voice heard! Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a fan of either of this year's candidates. To be honest, I'm a little surprised that, out of all of the eligible people in the United States, we're left with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Like, the thought completely baffles me.
However, despite the fact that I don't like either of the major candidates, I will be voting in this year's election. Why? Because it's my duty as an American citizen to cast my vote for who I want to lead my country.
I'm usually very outspoken about how a feel about a particular candidate, but candidate choice isn't the point I'm trying to convey here. Honestly, I don't care who anyone votes for! As long as you vote, that's all that matters. If you like/prefer Donald Trump, vote Trump! If you like/prefer Hillary Clinton, vote Clinton! Either way, get out to the polls and vote on November 8th -- not to be confused with the 28th. If you can't make it to the polls, make sure to apply for an absentee ballot, mail it out, and be ready to send your ballot in the mail when it arrives!
Happy voting, everyone!