The voting system is clearly very easily rigged and you may feel as though there is no point because your voice won't be heard, but you can't complain or expect change when you take no action yourself Share. If you have a problem with the legal system then go into it, study it, make it your goal to change it and place yourself in a position where you can. Find something you're passionate about and work to make that cause better in hopes that your children won't sit around the dinner table and merely complain like you did, but rather they will come home from work and tell their children about the difference they made in America that day.
Ive always believed if you want something done then do it yourself or if you don't know how to atleast make sure you put it in the hands of the person you trust the most with it. If I am going to get something fixed I am either going to research how to fix it myself or I am going to research the reliability of someone else in that trade who could fix it better than me. Either way, I do my research.
The same goes for the leadership of this country. So often now a days people gather their political beliefs from brief clips on social media and word of mouth. If someone tells a college student this candidate wants to make college free, thats all they needed to hear and suddenly they are voting for a candidate who they have no clue about their foreign policy, where they are getting the money for free college from, or how they are going to mend the health care system. But without even taking the time to listen to a presidential debate they became a one issue, uneducated voter.
The other problem with this is that once this candidate drops out they look at the remaining candidates and judge off of what they have heard from others and media about them and choose that they are no longer voting. When have you ever seen a time when media and news gave you the entire story or the whole truth? Never right? So why is it that we still eat it up when it comes to our political views?
I can respect political views that are rooted in actual understanding of politics and an attempt to actually make an educated vote. What I cannot respect is someone who decides not to vote because media has convinced you we have no hope either way.
What scares me more than the two candidates we are left with this election is the fact that people would rather sit back and leave the voting and the future of this nation in the hands of the very people they deem crazy for supporting those candidates. Who are you hurting or proving wrong for sitting at home instead of being at the voting station? I promise you no one but yourself.
I realize the future may look bleak, but by doing nothing to improve it, by not being involved in bettering our communities, by not attempting to fight against the injustices that may come, and lastly by not voting in small or large elections we are guaranteeing the future is in fact bleak.
A few suggestions America: Stop complaining without taking action yourself, do your research on the candidates, and go vote.
Don't boo, vote, don't protest, vote, don't complain take action.