As a fellow political science major, I encourage everyone I know to vote in their state primaries, August primaries, presidential elections, and local/state elections. I believe we make a big impact on our government when we choose who we put in office, even if we have an electoral college that essentially picks a president for us. Despite my loathing for both of our presidential candidates this year, I still voted by absentee ballot. It wasn't for Hillary. It wasn't for Trump.
I wrote in Bernie Sanders.
Now, I already know what you're thinking: "You're splitting the vote! A vote for anyone but Hillary is a vote for Trump! You wasted your vote!" I know. I understand where you're coming from. But, here's the thing. I have listened to both of these candidates ever since they announced their bids last year. At first, I was with her. I felt like Hillary would be an excellent candidate to be our new president. But, her capitalist politics that only concern greed, rigging the primaries, and covering her mistakes are not what I stand for. I never considered voting for Trump once. His racial comments, violent words against women, conservative views on what a woman should do with her body, and still absent policies are not what I stand for.
I can't vote for a candidate I agree with. I don't want to pick the "lesser of two evils." I want to vote for someone I stand by. I want to vote for someone with policies I believe would truly help our nation. I want to vote for someone who genuinely cares about the country and its people, not just themselves and the 1% of the wealthy. And I did.
Bernie Sanders is a certified write-in candidate in 43 states, with Florida being one of them. If a person is able to be written in, then clearly, my vote for them still counts. I didn't like the choices I was given; therefore, I chose one that I did.
Some people will think that I am stupid. Some people will think I'm a trash liberal millenial who didn't deserve to vote. Some people will think I was better off by not voting. I'm okay with that. I voted for someone I truly believe will make America what is should be.
If Hillary Clinton wins, I will be disappointed. If Donald Trump wins, I will be devastated. There may be a sliver of a chance that Bernie Sanders will win. I am content with putting all of my faith in that chance. I've been a Sanders supporter since he first launched his campaign, and I will never stop supporting him.
America chose their fate by the candidates we are presented with. I just hope we are ready to deal with the consequences.