Your Vote. Your Voice. | The Odyssey Online
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Your Vote. Your Voice.

Calling all citizens! Are you prepared to vote in November 2016? With the next presidential election swiftly approaching, it’s time to inform and register!

Your Vote. Your Voice.

Voting. An ancient expression of choice created to perpetuate fairness and equality in the democratic process. Over time, society’s definition of “equal” has been redefined and improved to benefit all citizens thanks to the persistence and true grit of passionate civil and political rights activists. Sadly, many citizens, especially young people, do not exercise this basic right. At the dawn of an exciting, new election cycle, will you be doing your part and casting a vote next November?

Voting registration has and continues to be refined, why the U.S. Government passed the National Voter Registration Act in 1993 “to enhance voting opportunities for every American” and “made it easier for all Americans to register to vote and to maintain their registration.” By simply visiting your state government’s website, you can receive pages and pages of information and guidelines regarding registration, voting, and ballot proposals.

First things first, REGISTER TO VOTE!

The State of Michigan has a simple, five-step process to complete your voter registration.

STEP 1: In order to vote in Michigan, you must be:

  • A U.S. citizen
  • A Michigan citizen
  • A citizen of your hometown
  • Age 18 by the election

STEP 2: Fill out a voter application at one of the following locations:

  • Secretary of State office
  • County, city, or township clerk’s office
  • State agencies, such as the Department of Human Services, the Department of Community Health, and the Department of Labor and Economic Growth
  • Military recruitment offices
  • Voter registration drives
  • Online at

***Remember: You must register 30 days before the election to vote in that election.***

STEP 3: Submit your voter application with proof of identity.

  • Hand-deliver your application to the Secretary of State or your county/city/township clerk’s office.
  • Mail in your form to the either of the above locations.
    • Make sure you correctly fill out the personal identification portion of the form.
    • If you do not fill out this portion of the form, you will need to send proof of your identity with the form:
      • Send a photocopy of your driver’s license or personal identification card.
      • Send a photocopy of a paycheck stub, utility bill, bank document, or government document that lists both your name and your address.

***Remember, DO NOT send the government original documents***

STEP 4: The clerk will mail your voter card to you.

  • This voter card will tell you your official polling location.
  • You can also check your registration status and polling location online at


  • All you’ll need is a current photo ID, such as:
    • Driver’s license or personal identification card (even from another state)
    • U.S. passport
    • Military identification card with photo
    • Student identification card from your high school or higher education institution
    • Tribal identification card with photo
  • If you not own or forgot your photo ID, you’ll need to sign an official voting affidavit, which is an official written statement.

Now that you’ve registered, GET INFORMED!

A vote represents your voice in the government, so make sure it represents your values and wishes for the country.

  • Don’t feel pressured by family, friends, and peers to vote or think a certain way. This is your vote, and you get to make the decision.

John Quincy Adams, the sixth U.S. President, once said “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”

  • Make yourself aware of all the choices. There are a lot of candidates, policies, and topics thrown around during election cycles, so it’s important to know what the “issues” for the election will be.
  • Don’t single-source yourself and rely on important information from one place. Free speech also ensures highly opinionated pieces to be published as well as more neutral ones.
  • Utilize your social media! News organizations run special political Twitter and Facebook accounts to present more streamlined information directly to citizens. When you find candidates that you support, you can also follow them on social media in order to receive consistent updates about their campaign and policies.

Last but certainly not least, ACTUALLY GO VOTE!

In a 2014 report, the U.S. Census found that the number of non-voters outnumbered the actual voters in the last election cycle. And, only 23.1 percent of all registered 18-34-year-olds voted.

Organizations like Rock the Vote have been registering and prompting more young voters over the years, but this is not enough! It’s time to be your own advocate and encourage your fellow Americans to participate. Imagine all the possible change if even half of the nonvoting 58 percent made an effort!

If you cannot make it to the voting booths on Election Day, see if you qualify for an absentee ballot! The State of Michigan has their absentee ballot information here.

So, where will you be on November 8, 2016? Hopefully at a voting booth!

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