Everywhere you look you are bound to see something talking about the upcoming election in November. It's all about who is going to win, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. If you're anything like me, you do not want to see either win-but fact of the matter is, you need to vote for one or the other.
I love talking politics with people and the biggest question that is asked is, "Who are you voting for?" Sometimes, actually most of the time, I am the one who asks this question that only leads to more questions or a giant debate. The biggest flaw in answers that I receive isn't the one of "Trump," but the one that is "Oh, I'm not voting." This is the one answer that completely stumps me and the one that I cannot get my head wrapped around. I always end up asking why, and this is usually where the conversation turns into a pile of questions.
My opinion doesn't matter
But it does. OK, so the Electoral College doesn't have your individual vote, but they do reflect on who YOU voted for to vote for the president. If you vote for a Republican, you can bet that they vote for Trump and vice versa. Being able to stay educated through politics will also lead you to more interesting conversations and being able to help educate other people when it comes from presidency to voting for the senate.
I don't want either Trump or Hillary
Trust me, I don't either. Voicing my young millennial opinion here, but I was a sucker for Bernie but he will not be on the ballot for president. As much as I don't want Trump to drive America into the ground or Hillary to allow more scandals to unravel, those are the two who are fighting for the presidency and you better get used to it. It stinks knowing I am going to have to vote for one of them, but that's where research comes in. You have to figure out who is going to be the less of two evils in your eye and who is going to make America as good as they can until 2020 when the word can finally vote Kanye West in as the President of the United States.*
I'm just going to write in *blank*
Please do not do this. Whatever you do, do not do this. For all the people who think the Zodiac Killer or Bernie should still be president, do not write in their name. By doing this, you are taking away valuable votes that either candidate actually needs. All those individuals, whether being serious or not, votes add up. So when they come down to the end of the popular vote, the candidates may be within a few hundred votes of each other and those votes could have been used to vote for Rubio or Deez Nuts.
I am not trying to nag at people who do not want to vote because it's your right to vote, but all I am saying is please do. America may be going down the toilet, but just vote for the person who flushes the slowest.
*Total joke. Please do not allow Kanye to be President.