Voting is a right that many different groups of people have fought for throughout history. According to, 60% of registered voters voted during the presidential elections, while only 40% of voters voted during the midterms. Voting during the midterms is just as important as voting during the presidential election. All of the seats on the house of representatives are open for grabs, as well as a few senate seats, and numerous local office positions. To know what is on your ballot go to Dani Rosenberg a member of Philip Defranco's company also discusses more about the midterm elections in the video below.
We Need To Talk About The Midterm
It's so important to vote so that you can have a say in what goes on in your country. There are so many underrepresented groups of people who don't feel like their voice isn't being heard and its so important to vote, contact your local representatives, and be vocal about your ideas on social media so that your voice is heard. There are so many countries where peoples voices, opinions, and votes are suppressed, and we are so lucky to live in a country where we have a say on who represents us as a whole.
If you can't make it to the polls on election day November 6, don't worry, you can still vote in the midterm elections by voting early. You can check with your local newspaper to find out what times are available in your voting region.