2016. My first election year, and I am not quite jumping and cheering at the fact that my vote will be counted this year. Unfortunately, I am underwhelmed by both candidates and the overall presidential race, and perhaps that is because I am not an overly political person, and I am definitely not an overtly political person. I do not watch the debates, nor do I overanalyze each candidates idiosyncrasies and maybe that discredits the statements I am about to make. Although I receive most of my political news via Facebook and other social media platforms, I do believe that I receive an equal balance of support for both parties sprinkled across my news feed: hardcore Trump supporters from my hometown of Sussex County and Democratic aunts, uncles, cousins, and newfound college friends. Yet, as I ponder this election, I have one question: Can either of these presidential candidates teach respect?
With the recent tragedies plaguing our nation, Aretha Franklin's ever-popular "Respect" is of upmost importance. The tragedy that occurs in our nation has always been and continues to be surrounding the hatred of others' differences. These differences include but are not limited to: race, gender, sexuality, religion, occupation and appearance. It is the source of bullying in elementary schools and the reason that human lives are being lost daily in America. America, the very place where differences are supposed to be celebrated. I believe as American citizens it is our responsibility to return to this sentiment and to return to the teachings of respect and to the value that each life has. One presidential candidate cannot change 318.9 million people, it takes all 318.9 million American citizens to choose respect and to choose kindness before our problems can begin to be solved and our country can begin to heal from the recent suffering.
We must first find the respect in our hearts for one another to form a team. A leader cannot be effective without a supportive team who cooperates with one another and is eager to see the team succeed. Because does it really matter who the "big fish" is if all of the other fish in the sea cannot swim peacefully beside one another? We will all continue to be vulnerable to the bite of the "big fish" if we cannot swim in harmony.
It begins with the population, to once again infuse our country with respect, kindness, and empathy. Regardless of who you are voting for in the 2016 election, my vote goes to kindness because kindness is the only way that we will ever feel a true sense of victory.