Many feminists, including myself, want a woman president. Women are strong and powerful and have historically been good leaders. I want a woman to be the president of the United States, but I want a woman who cares about and fights for other women as well as other minorities and citizens, is honest, and has our country’s best interest at heart. That person is not Hillary Clinton.
Many women voting for Hillary think that she will be the voice of representation for the women of our country, but that is just not the case. Why would she be our voice now when back in the ‘80s and ‘90s she not only did not support the women who came out about the sexual abuse at the hands of her husband and then president, she actually destroyed and threatened them in pubic to discredit them. Not only this, but she stayed with the man who committed theses horrible crimes against women. Nothing about that screams feminism or the voice for women. A true feminist would have supported those women and helped them legally fight back against her husband, but she did not. Why? Because the only person Hillary Clinton cares about is Hillary Clinton. She stayed with her abusive husband because she knew that’s what she needed to do to remain in a position of power.
She also has a shady legal background and seems to show zero remorse for any of her illegal actions which seem to be involved in, as a friend of mine stated, "Some of the most famous criminal investigations known to politics."
It would be one thing if I was bashing on Clinton because she is a woman, as I’m seeing done many other places. I am sick and tired of seeing, “If Hillary couldn’t keep her husband happy, then how could she keep the country happy?” Or constant bashing of her physical appearance. Or constant sexist insults thrown her way, such as slut, b*tch and even c*nt. I do not like Hillary in the slightest, but the extreme sexism that she is facing is horrible and wrong. I am not bashing on her because she is a woman -- I love women and as a feminist I will fight for them until I am old and weak. I am here pointing out her faults and misconduct because she is a bad person.
She is not a voice of women. She is not a voice of our people. She is not the voice that our country needs. Trust me, I want a strong and powerful woman in charge of our country more than anything, but I want someone who is worthy of the job and that person is just not Hillary Clinton.