We all want to do good in this world and leave our mark on the people around us. There is no denying that. There are so many ways one could accomplish this goal, and I believe that they are all worthwhile and make a lasting impact. Over spring break, I was able to go down to Florida and volunteer at the Give Kids the World Village in Orlando. The Village is where the families of the kids selected for "Make A Wish" stay when they are on their visit to Disney World. When I arrived at The Village, it was much different than what I had expected. There are some places and things in this world that you just have to share with everyone you possibly can, and this is one of those. Here are a few of the reasons you should go volunteer your time at the Give Kids the World Village.
1. The Village is one of the happiest places on earth.
I am one of those people that doesn’t deal with sadness or emotions very well, at all. I will admit to being a little worried about being sad all week because of the kids and stories I knew I would be coming in contact with, but that wasn’t the case. From the moment I drove through the gate every day until long after I had left for the night, I had a smile on my face. Everyone I came in contact with was smiling and laughing. The characters and the staff members working there were always smiling and made it their only goal to make everyone as happy as possible. Every kid I met was so full of joy, and it was contagious. When they laughed, I laughed, and with every high five and fist bump, my heart became more joyful.
2. It makes you feel like a kid again.
This reason may be a little selfish, but that doesn’t make it less important. People get so busy living their lives that they forget to stop, have some fun and just be a kid every once in awhile. Volunteering at the "Give Kids the World Village" gives you an opportunity to interact with the kids there and play with them. One night, I helped work a blow up archery range and helped kids shoot arrows at a floating target. Seeing the joy on their faces when they shot down a target reminded me of what it was like to be young and innocent again. The kids I came in contact with didn’t have a care in the world, even if they were sick. The positivity that radiated from the kids the moment they walked through any door in that place was incredible. They never stopped laughing or smiling no matter how they felt, and that is a quality I admire.
3. You get to make a difference in a child’s life.
The Village is a place where only happy memories are to be made, and you get to be a part of that magic. It is a humbling experience when you realize that what you are doing and the memories you are helping families make are going to stick out in their minds for the rest of their lives. When you are at The Village, you are working hard and having such a great time that you almost forget to stop and really take in what you are doing. Then, out of nowhere, a kid will come up and hug you or remember your name from another activity you helped them with. That's when you realize that you actually are making a difference in someone's life, and it feels pretty darn good.
4. It is a huge wake up call.
Let’s face it, each of us has, at one point or another, felt as if your own life was possibly the worst one out there. Humans are selfish by nature, and we magnify our own problems in our minds to be far greater than anyone else’s. I can tell you that when you go to volunteer at a place like the "Give Kids the World Village," all of your little problems melt away, and you realize how truly blessed you have been in your life. I am not pitying the families staying at the village, though. I am admiring them. The families you meet there are some of the strongest you will ever meet. I can sometimes barely handle a midterm exam without breaking down, but these families hold it together through the worst things imaginable. Not only do they hold it together, but many of them say, “There are people out there with it worse." Being able to say that in situations like theirs takes a great deal of courage, and it makes you really think about your life and how your problems pale in comparison.
5. Driving 900 miles is worth seeing a kid’s smile.
I don’t have to say much about this one. If you have ever seen anyone’s eyes light up when they see something magical, then you know exactly what I am talking about. Imagine that you have set up an activity behind closed doors and no one could see. Then, when the door finally open and kids start to walk in, you notice they all look around with their mouths wide open. You look at them, say hello and their eyes get wide. Then they absolutely beam at you. That moment right there alone is worth the trip.
6. You leave The Village a little better than when you arrived.
When you have an experience like the one I had at the Village, you are changed. I left the village with a different outlook on my life. I felt refreshed and happy. During my time volunteering, I realized how blessed my life has been. I didn’t want to complain about anything anymore, because it was true what those families at The Village said. "There is always someone out there who has it worse." One family told me while I was there that they saw their struggle as a way to share the gospel and be a beacon of hope for families going through a similar situation. I walked away from that encounter thinking that the world would be a better place if everyone looked at their struggle, no matter how big or how small, as a way to spread hope to those around them. I think that was the moment I felt changed. I decided, in that moment, to try and be a beacon of hope for those around me.
There are a thousand other reasons besides the ones listed above why you should go and volunteer at a place like the "Give Kids the World Village." Next time you have a break from school, go spend it making a difference in someone's life. I can guarantee that you won’t be disappointed. Who knows, it might make a lasting impact on your life, and you might be changed for it. More importantly, you might help a family make a memory that they will cherish forever without even knowing it.