Anyone who's ever been in choir or a musical ensemble knows that each section has its own distinct personality. Sometimes it's a little difficult to get a handle on who they are, what each parts are, and which parts like each other. But there is one thing that almost everyone can relate to: Harry Potter. So here's what it would look like if voice parts went under the sorting hat.
Bass – Hufflepuff
The basses are the lowest part and altogether keep the ensemble grounded. Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders, much like the basses must be when they find the base of the chord. Hufflepuffs fear conflict and want everyone to be happy, which is why the basses feel the need to root themselves deep into the foundation of the group. Both can easily entertain themselves, and thank goodness, because the bass section usually has the most boring voice part in an ensemble! They are pretty close with the altos, because the altos sometimes sing the same harmonies that they do. The basses are usually pretty relaxed about rehearsals and try not to get caught up in all of the drama – unless there is a solo opportunity.
Tenor – Slytherin
Most people only see Slytherins as the “evil house,” and sometimes tenors seem that way too. They’re high energy people with ridiculously high voices. Tenors have serious ambition and are so driven to succeed, which is why they sometimes come off a little strong. The tenors want to be friends with everyone, but sometimes their brash nature turns the other parts away. Overall, Slytherins and tenors really do mean well, but they have a veryloud way of going about it. That being said, if you get in the way of their shining moment, they will not hesitate to take down anyone in their way.
Alto – Ravenclaw
Despite their intelligence, Ravenclaws sometimes get overlooked. Altos tend to do the same; even though they have the tricky inner part, they rarely get a chance to shine in music. Altos love a good challenge, but definitely don’t appreciate people wasting their time. The altos don't always get along well with the sopranos, because the sopranos are usually stealing their thunder with their higher melodies. Like Ravenclaws, altos aren’t ashamed to charm their way into getting what they want. People tend to think that Ravenclaws are the goody two-shoes of Hogwarts, but if given the chance, they have an edgy side. The altos are always more than willing to play nice when they need to, but they know how to play hard, too.
Soprano – Gryffindor
Finally our highest part, the sopranos. Sopranos often get all the glory because they sing the melody in almost every single song – and they usually aren’t afraid to remind you. The sopranos call upon their Gryffindor bravery every time they need to float up to one of their ridiculously high notes. Sometimes they get a little cocky because they tend to learn their music faster than any of the other parts. Sopranos try to get along with all of the other sections, but they are a little too loud for the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, and the Slytherins can be a little too jealous of their spotlight. Just like Gryffindors get carried away in acts of heroism, sopranos get carried away in their high soaring melodies and live for the sound of their own section.
Regardless of the voice type you have, or the house you are in, we all come together to create one ensemble that creates amazing things. So take pride in your part and your house!