They say “those who can’t do, teach”. Well, I very much disagree because I am completely capable of doing whatever I want with my future but I am choosing to be a teacher. I’ve wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. Being the oldest of four kids, I would force my younger siblings to sit in front of my chalkboard as I taught them simple math problems or how to write words. I had so many wonderful teachers throughout my schooling that have been my role models and inspiration for why I want to be a teacher. I have so many fond memories from elementary school and I think it was mostly because of the incredible teachers I had, So thank you to those teachers because I wouldn’t be where I was today without the experiences they gave me that drove me to wanting to be a teacher.
A lot of people don’t see teaching as a noble profession because pay is low or that teachers are just babysitters to children, especially the young ones. However in reality, it is so much more than that. As an early childhood educator, you are a huge part in catering to a child’s development. Making sure they understand how to follow directions and treat their peers respectfully. Teaching them how to read and write with the correct grip. Exposing them to situations where they must learn to problem solve. Providing them opportunities to do things on their own to teach the children independence. Building up their fine motor skills from opening their snack to cutting gout shapes with scissors. Lastly, making sure they have plenty of time to practice gross motor skills by running around outside or time in the muscle room.
This is just a small glimpse that doesn’t even begin to cover everything at what an early childhood educator is required to do from a teacher’s standpoint. Another major part of the job is being another important adult figure in the children’s lives. Getting to know the children and their families in your room is so special and very important. Being a junior in college in the beginning of my cohort internship in a preschool classroom has made me fall more in love with the profession. If I had any doubts before if this was the right path me, all doubts are out the window. I love where I am at and could not be happier to pursue this amazing profession.
So to anyone who thinks I am selling myself short or taking the easy way out by going to school to be a teacher, you are very wrong. Everyday is different providing new challenges where I will make mistakes but always have to continue to learn. I am proud to call myself a future educator. It’s one of the most important jobs out there. Having to guide children to develop appropriately is a big responsibility and it’s one I will voluntarily take on. So enough with the “those who can’t do, teach” bs because it takes a lot of doing to be able to teach.