There are so many channels on YouTube, but there are daily vloggers that are worth subscribing to! I know some vloggers can be annoying, but there are some out there that are very entertaining to watch. Either because their vacations or so amazing, or their family is fun to watch. I know that these vlogs are ones the people behind the camera are very thankful for their subscribers and think of them as family, they support what they are doing and taking the time every day to watch.
Roman Atwood
This is a family that has done many other things than just upload a daily vlog every day. Roman started a store called Smile More and is run by him and his wife. He has also made a movie with other pranksters and went on tour. Everyday this family has something interesting or fun to do and is shown on the vlogs. This is one of my favorite vlogs that I watch. Link to their channel here!
This is another vlog that is about their family and what they do on a daily basis. The thing I find fun about this family and their channel is that all the family members will take the camera and vlog. It isn't just one person for most of the vlogs. The Shaytard family is very fun to watch and they live in an amazing area. Highly recommend, find their channel here!
Jon Olsson
Jon Olsson is an Alpine Ski Racer for Red Bull. He is Swedish and lives in Monaco. Him and his girlfriend are always traveling. It is amazing to see the incredible places they go. I really enjoy watching their daily blogs because of their traveling and also where they live. It isn't in the US so it makes it interesting to see what they do. Find their videos and channel here!
Casey Neistat
It may sound boring to watch what people or families do on a day to day basis or you might get jealous of them. I find it to be entertaining and fun to watch. You almost start to become part of their life, I mean you basically are. You are helping them make an income from these videos on YouTube and you watch and know what happens in their life, close to everything. I know I find myself watching vloggers a lot and I know a lot of others do too, might be something to try watching! You never know you may become hooked.