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Fiction on Odyssey: Vivid 'The Last Of Our Kind'

Chapter three of the ongoing saga.

Fiction on Odyssey: Vivid 'The Last Of Our Kind'

Thanks for tuning back in to read the next chapter! You can check out chapter one and chapter two here!

Chapter Three: No Longer Alone

Today was miserable. Absolutely nothing happened to me. Jasmine still hasn't written back and I'm starting to think it's just something I'll have to live with. Chicken parmigiana for dinner makes me feel a little better though. I eat alone. My mom works late plus it's just me and her.

Bloop bloop. New message. It's from Jasmine! I squeal accidentally, so it's a good thing I'm alone.


I got your message today, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner I was in school. You're the first person I've heard from. Do you know anything more about this dream or anyone else who has been having them? I'm worried too. My family thinks I'm crazy but I refuse to go to the doctor. Call me if you get a chance. My number is 1-734-555-7226.


She calls herself Jazz. I should have known. Should I call her? I'm nervous. What if she hates me, how will I ever find out anything? Maybe I'll wait until tomorrow. I can't, I have to do this now. I dial her number shaking the whole time. The ringing seems to last forever, I can feel myself getting older.

Hello? Who is this?

It's Haleigh. I messaged you.

Oh yeah how are you?

I'm good.

That's good to hear.

We nervously giggle to each other.

So about this dream, it's scaring me, Jazz. I don't know what to do.

That's why I posted online, Haleigh. I sit here every day thinking about it. It's somehow consumed my whole life.

Mine too. I don't understand how it could be just us.

I hope it's not Haleigh.

We need to figure this out. I can't live like this anymore.

Jazz can you tell me everything you remember?

Sure Haleigh. I fall asleep and it's almost instant. I'm there. I've been there so many times that it's almost like I'm there now. I wake up in a room it has blue walls and tan carpeting. Besides that the room only contains the bed I'm laying on. No sheets, no pillows, just a clean mattress. I stand up to open the door and I'm in a basement with one light above an old wooden box with the same symbol as the door on it.

But the box is locked and needs a combination to open it. I run up stairs and open the front door to a town covered with a dark mist almost like a fog. A few houses and a gas station are scattered all over the street. They all are boarded up and look to be abandoned. I start running trying to find anyone who can help me. Hooded figures with blurry faces line the streets. All I can hear is a roar as if I were at a stadium watching a football game, nothing i can make out. I keep running faster and faster. Then I see the wall. It's always the same, with the old door right in the middle and no handle to open it.

I have chills running down my spine. My heart is pounding and beads of sweat are covering my forehead. How could her dream be exactly the same as mine?

It's almost as if we can control this dream, Jazz. But why haven't we figured it out? I hear the garage. Jazz, I have to go my mom is home. Call me tomorrow after school please, maybe something we find tonight can help us.

Okay bye, Haleigh.

Bye, Jazz.

The door opens. Hi mom, I say trying not to act suspicious. She couldn't care less about me anyways. She looks over at me, blows a kiss and continues her way to the living room talking on her cellphone to God knows who. I run upstairs almost stumbling but just catching myself. I continue to my room huffing and puffing like a dog on a warm summer day. I throw my clothes in the hamper, put on my gray sweatpants and yet another Metallica t-shirt. I crawl into bed, nervous and frantic. What if I don't have the dream, will Jazz think I'm lying to her? I hope she doesn't we really need to figure this out and I don't think I ever could by myself.

Thank you for checking out the next chapter of Vivid! Come back next week for more.

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