15 Things To Add To Your Routine For A Boosted Immune System
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Health and Wellness

15 Things You Can Add To Your Kitchen Cabinet For A Boosted Immune System

Order some oregano oil, STAT!

15 Things You Can Add To Your Kitchen Cabinet For A Boosted Immune System

At the risk of sounding like the women who sell essential oils on Instagram, there are so many natural ways to boost your immune system. Sure, some of them taste a little funny and may take time to get used to, but adding immunity boosters into your daily routine has the ability to drastically change your health with small, simple steps.

1. Elderberry

The berries and flowers found in the elderberry plant are packed with antioxidants. These antioxidants can help decrease inflammation, lessen stress, and ease stress. Experts have noted elderberry's versatility, recommending it to treat constipation, muscle pain, respiratory infection, headaches, fever, and more. You can find elderberry in a variety of mediums — you don't have to make your own elderberry syrup in order to reap its benefits. You can buy gummies, pills, and teas and have them delivered to your front door.


ACHH (active hexose correlated compound) is a natural substance that is extracted from a class of mushrooms and acts as an antioxidant. It is used to boost the body's defenses against viral infections like the flu and the common cold as well as cancer and heart disease.

3. Dried mushrooms

Mushrooms are not just delicious morsels to add to a cheesy pasta (although you should definitely do that). They are also great for your immune system and lower inflammation in your body — what a superfood!

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin, meaning your body does not produce it naturally. It reduces your risk of chronic disease, helps manage your blood pressure, lowers risk of heart disease, and boosts your overall immunity.

5. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is good for your skin and inhibits bacteria to fight infection. Don't swallow it — put a few drops in a diffuser or a hot bath.

6. Zinc

Zinc is a mineral that strengthens your immunity by supporting the body's natural defense system. It also assists your digestive and metabolic health, as well as your reproductive system.

7. Oil of oregano

Oregano oil is a natural antibiotic that helps your body fight bacteria. It does a whole lot of good — lowers your cholesterol, helps treat yeast infections, improves gut health, relieves pain, decreases inflammation, and has cancer-fighting properties.

8. Garlic oil

The power of garlic isn't just an old wives' tale — garlic really is packed with so many helpful benefits for your immune system. It's full of calcium, potassium, and sulfuric compounds that fight off bacteria and infection.

9. Black seed

Also known as black cumin, black seed is a flowering herb found in the Middle East and Southeast Asia. It detoxifies and rejuvenates the body, increasing an individual's energy. It also aids in digestion, decreases inflammation, and fights off infection.

10. Ginseng

Ginseng is a powerful antioxidant. It decreases inflammation, has the ability to improve your memory and brain function, fights fatigue, lowers blood sugar, and keeps your immune system strong.

11. Green tea

Green tea is not just for people who want to lose some weight and boost their metabolism. It is packed with vitamins and antioxidants, fights heart disease, and lowers your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. And hey, iced tea is just delightful, so why wouldn't you drink more green tea?

12. Wheat germ

Have you ever wondered what makes whole wheat bread "whole wheat?" Whole wheat means that it includes three major nutritional components that are often taken out: bran, germ, and endosperm. The wheat germ adds fiber, healthy fats, magnesium, zinc, folic acid, and vitamin E. It boosts immunity and aids in cardiovascular health. You can really add it to any dish — get creative!

13. Miso

Miso is an essential ingredient in Japanese cooking, often used in soups. It is packed with B vitamins, vitamin E, both of which boost your immune system. Like many other fermented foods, it also helps provides probiotics and aids in digestion.

14. Concentrated pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice has three times the amount of antioxidants than other fruit juices. It may help prevent cancer, Alzheimer's, arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes. It also decreases your inflammation, improves your digestion, and gives you tons of vitamin C — pour yourself a glass!

15. Ginger

Ginger is great if you need to calm your nauseous stomach, but it also boosts your immunity with anti-inflammatory properties that decrease your blood pressure and lower your risk of heart disease. It can also be used to treat chronic indigestion.

Editor's note: The views expressed in this article are not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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