Spending three months away from home and your family can be really hard. Getting closer to Thanksgiving break can feel like a much-needed relief. When you get home it can get overwhelming. Your mom has turned your room into a random storage space. Your dad will actually cook dinner. Your brother actually misses you. It's all crazy and nothing is how it used to be. You become a visitor in your own home. Here is my take on what it is like being home after being away for a consecutive amount of time.
1. You walk through your front door like you never left.
But it feels like you have been gone for years.
2. You never thought you would miss your bed from home...but you are so happy to sleep in it.
3. There is actually food in your house!
4. You have to live out of a suitcase?!
Where did all your stuff go? Oh yeah, it's in your dorm.
5. Your friends seem to be living life without you.
But you are still so happy to see them!
6. Going to all your favorite restaurants is the best feeling ever.
7. You actually miss spending time with your parents.
And you wish you would've cherished the time when you were younger instead of telling your parents to leave you alone.
8. Showers by yourself? In your own bathroom? It's a dream.
9. Seeing your pets again.
Because they are the most excited to see you.
10. Feeling like a kid again.
Having your parents right downstairs and cooking for you just like old times. You realize living on your own can be hard.
Visiting home after you have been away is an amazing feeling no matter how weird it might feel to be back...and you are always happy to return to school.