There are individuals in your life that hold a special place in your heart, whether you realize it right now or not. Those people are your grandparents. I'll be the first to admit that the older I got, the less I went and saw my grandparents. I can also promise you that it was nobody's fault but my own. So here is some important advice from me to you; GO VISIT YOUR GRANDPARENTS.
Go visit your grandparents, because they have loved you since the day you were born. They were in that waiting room fighting over who would get to hold you first. They love you as if they were the ones who had you themselves.
Go visit your grandparents, because they taught you things that your parents may not have time to always do. If you were fortunate enough like me, you got to spend entire summers at grandma's house. Summers at grandma's house would have taught you: that it's okay to drink from the yard hose, how to go outside and play, how to always lose at a game of checkers or dominoes, and how to make cherry bark tea. My grandparents taught me how to simply enjoy the time we have together.
Go visit your grandparents, because they always make sure you're fed. Even if I had just ate, my grandma had another meal cooking. Going to the grocery store with them meant you always got the snacks you wanted. I never once left their house hungry.
Go visit your grandparents, because they make you appreciate the little things in life. Who knew riding to the dump with grandpa could be so much fun? Or sitting down with your grandma while she showed you how to crochet? Or hearing about old war stories? I now have a love for just going on car rides, crocheting and hearing stories from the past.
Go visit your grandparents, because they would always let you get away with things. If you parents said no, they would say yes. It's because they understood you because deep down they're kids at heart too. (I mean, who other than your grandpa would buy you two twin goats for you and you twin sister?)
Go visit your grandparents, because they show you what love really is. They are the perfect role model to teach you how to love somebody no matter what. Through the good and the bad. Through sickness and in health. They show you what marriage is and how raw it gets. My grandparents never stopped loving each other, or me.
Go visit your grandparents, because they won't always be here. I never believed that there would come a time when I'd come home and my grandparents wouldn't be there. I thought that they would live forever, and that I'll put it off and go see them next week. Don't put it off. I have three grandparents who have gone on to heaven. I'm lucky I still have one grandparent here with me.
Go visit your grandparents, whether it be at the graveyard or their house. Go visit them, because the older you get, the more you will realize how much they mean to you. Go visit your grandparents, because it will mean the world to them, but I can promise it just might mean the world to you too.