Take a moment and look around you at the things that keep you company throughout the day. Most of you are on your phones, or enjoying a nice scroll through Facebook sitting in your houses, comfortable and content to allow your time to be spent on social media. While I'm no exception to the rule of wanting to be on social media, there are bigger things in this world for us. Humanity as a whole has amazing gifts and talents, but what we occasionally miss is the vision to see beyond our surroundings.
I have many good friends who, at the time where they entered college, had never been outside of their small town where they lived their whole lives surrounded by people who cared about them. There's nothing wrong with having a childhood that way, but there's a stereotype that follows this way of living. At the point of college, many people don’t want to leave and go out into the world. They're content to see what they have seen and only experience what they've experienced already.
In my opinion, this is a problem. A few days ago, I had a talk with my dad where I said that I would be leading a sermon at a church my ministry was performing at. The first words out of his mouth were, “Focus on Christ.” As I contemplated what he said, I realized that the sermon I was preaching, while fully focusing on Christ in theory, was not actually giving Him as much glory as He deserved. Many of you may be thinking, “What does this have to do with vision?”
One of the greatest tools that humans have been given is language. Above all else, we have the ability to phrase things to communicate a specific idea in a way that is clear or cloudy, depending on what we desire. We spend a lot of our schooling careers focusing on perfecting effective communication, but while there are many ways to say something, focusing it towards God is what truly causes someone to “see” what you're talking about.
I have been to many places in the world, including Brasil, Hawaii and many other states in America. Return your attention to the things that are surrounding you right now. What of them can you say is pointing you towards God? Every time I enter another country or a new state, I think about all the people who will be able to see Christ if I communicate who I am in Him properly. I know this seems really scattered, hitting on a lot of points, but let me make it very clear exactly what I'm saying.
Look around and see the things in your life. Do they express who you are in Christ? Don’t let your background or your schooling distract you from the things in life that are true. Above all other things, communicate God through the things you do, because at the end of the day, Christ deserves the Glory. You can travel the world or stay at home if you're causing others to see Christ. You are giving them the vision that they need to see beyond their boundaries. Does that help? No?Focus on Christ, and you will see more than you ever have before in every facet of your life.