Our world is getting more and more dangerous to live in. We're taking more steps to protect ourselves in our own towns that we live in. It's quite sad what things have become. It has become mass shooting, racial violence, and terrorist attacks. It's all terrible and there's one main source of it all.
We all wish these violent attacks would end. We all wish there was something we could do to end all of this, who wouldn't? Honestly, that's a hard thing to do. I, as well as everyone, wish it could be as easy as looking at a person and knowing that they are up to no good so we can stop them in their tracks. The truth is, there's one thing that causes all of this. It's not racism, it's not a particular group of people, it's none of those.
It's hate. Hate is what causes all of these attacks. Hate like this doesn't just come about at any random age, it starts young. If more parents taught their kids to love throughout their entire lives, hate in our world would diminish. Not only is it parents that have to teach their kids to love, it's teachers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and all influential role models in kids' lives. Terrorist attacks would go down by a lot, and our world would be a much safer place to live in. There would be much less wars, and we'd finally be able to live in more peace. Love is the answer.