High up in a mountain, near a frozen lake
there was a village of people, whose lives were at stake.
It wasn't due to cold, or even lack of food
nay, it was a dragon who was mightily rude.
He could have tormented the plains villagers down below,
eaten their cows, killed their knights, and burned their houses just for show.
But instead he chose the village way up in the heights
and became just another, of the villagers' many plights.
The dragon would fly around roaring all through the night,
causing the villagers to stay awake, due to their fright.
The people knew they had to rid themselves of their pest,
otherwise they might never again, get a good rest.
And so the villagers sent a message to their mighty king,
but, alas, he refused to help solve this little dragon thing.
So the villagers decided to take matters into their own hands,
and they prepared to fight, to protect their lands.
The villagers grabbed their pitchforks and their bows,
and headed out to face the greatest of their foes.
But they soon found that their dragon just wanted friends.
The villagers happily obliged and it is with a happy ending that our story ends.