I don’t remember a time where I wasn't judging myself. The way I look, the way I talk, the way I dress, the way I act. If I took a guess, I assume many other people do the same exact thing.
Why? What is it about ourselves that we find the need to be constantly judging who we are?
I'll be honest and say that I don't know the answers. I don't know why people are the way they are and do the things they do. However, I want to write articles that get you thinking. So this week, I ask that you look at yourself and see how often you are the victim of your own judgments.
This article is short compared to future articles I will be writing. I really want to just introduce readers to feel safe to open up to themselves as every article will deal with some deep part of life, with the occasional light-hearted break of course.
Opening up and being honest with yourself is one of the hardest things that we have to do. My hope is that you'll take this topic and practice opening up to yourself with it.
Lastly, I want to introduce myself. I am Nicholas Wellons, freshman sports management at the beautiful Winthrop University. I love God, people, and service. I have spent most of my life helping others in public and private settings in hopes of making a difference that will last.
I believe that to truly make a difference people need to get comfortable with being vulnerable. When you allow others to get to know you in a deep and personal way, connections are stronger and the impacts you make in other peoples lives are going to have more of a lasting effect simply because they know you.
I would love to get to know my readers and for that reason, I put my social media handles in my account. Feel free to contact me to talk about anything that you want to know.
I can not wait for this exciting journey.