I do not want your #RelationshipGoals. I don't want to be taken out on an extravagant date four times a week. You don't always have to pay for me. I want something real, and I want something no one understands.
I want a best friend, a lover, a person to lean on during hard times. I want a supporter, a motivator, and a soul mate.
Relationships just do not seem to be as strong as they used to be in the past. From my point of view, it seems as if our society has given up on real love. We rush into a relationship with someone we kind of like, but aren't necessarily infatuated with. We flaunt our relationships all over social media so the world sees how "happy" we are. We give up when it gets tough, calling it quits over the most stupid things. It's no wonder why statistics show that divorce rates are higher than ever before, and as the years pass, they just seem to be climbing.
Relationships are supposed to be sacred to you and the person that you are in love with. They aren't supposed to be shared with everyone you are following on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. In reality, no one really cares if you're fighting or having a rough patch, so why are you tweeting all passive-aggressively? A relationship is between two people, and once others get involved, it can only go downhill.
These are the reason why I find it so hard to be in a relationship nowadays. I don't want people intruding, I don't want it all over social media, and I don't want Twitter knowing when we're fighting.
I want a best friend-turned-boyfriend type of love that just comes naturally. No social media involved. No posting crazy tweets. No screen shots of the romantic things we say back and forth to each other on VSCO.
Instagram is flooded with pictures, Go-Pro videos, and Flipagrams of these "Insta-famous" couples that are supposed to be what "real love" looks like. Little does anyone know that these #RelationshipGoals couples are being paid thousands to publicize their relationship and make it look like they're in love. It's really all for the Instagram likes. Who even knows if they actually like each other? Why would anyone want a relationship like that, where everything they do is posted on the Internet, or is on the "Popular Page" of social media?
What love should be is something private. A love so strong, you can't even put it into words, and no picture on social media will do it justice. Love should come along rarely, it shouldn't be something casual, and it definitely should be worth waiting for.