7. "7 Scariest Videos Caught in Abandoned Buildings" - Sir Spooks | The Odyssey Online
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13 Truly Frightening YouTube Videos To Watch This Halloween, If You're Not Planning On Sleeping

Watch them with the lights off, I dare you...

scary house

Disclaimer: Many of these videos are not for the weak of heart. Don't watch these videos if you cannot handle the scary facts or spooky stories.

Some of these videos are true crime stories, others are just plain terrifying. I am always watching these kinds of videos because they are incredibly interesting but perfect to petrify even the most avid horror-story-lover.

1. “5 Creepy Unsolved Cabin in the Woods Mysteries" - Criminally Listed

The narrator's voice is sure to set the spooky mood as he explains these crimes in gruesome details. If you enjoy true crime, you'll surely enjoy this video.

2. “5 Unsolved Mysteries & Unexplained Events" - Nuke's Top 5

Imagine looking through your peephole and seeing that horrific face. Let alone knowing they were there more than once during the night...

3. "BTK Killer - Dennis Rader | Serial Killer Files #7" - Rob Dyke

Rob Dyke narrates the accounts of the BTK killer's crimes. The eerie photographs of victims and crime scenes will shock you.

4. “Creepy Urban Legends That Turned Out To Be True" - Lutch Green

Some of these are just plain disturbing, but that's just my opinion. See for yourself!

5. "Cry Reads: World's Best School Psychologist" - Cryaotic

Cryaotic is a popular gamer on YouTube. I'm not really into video games, but what got me to subscribe to him was his powerful narrations of creepy or disturbing stories. This story starts out slow, but when the climax is reached... it still makes me wonder — what kid did they find...?

6. "4 Unsolved Mysteries of Family Victims That Cannot Be Explained" - Vintage Files

Whole families wiped out... Details of these heinous crimes are elaborate and bone-chilling.

7. "7 Scariest Videos Caught in Abandoned Buildings" - Sir Spooks

Why do real people go exploring into abandoned places? DON'T. EXPLORE. ABANDONED. PLACES.

8. “5 Creepy Videos of Persons Last Seen Alive Before They Disappear" - Terrifive

It's so hard to comprehend how someone could disappear off the face of the earth with no trace at all. The CCTV footage of these victims is nothing short of eerie.

9. "Top 15 Scariest Paranormal Moments in 'Ghost Adventures'" - Top 15s

I love "Ghost Adventures" and this video only proves my theory... Ghosts are real...so are demons.

10. "5 Real Life Masked Killers" - Scary Mysteries

With the new "Halloween" movie upon us, I had to honor Michael Myers somehow. These masked killers, however, are all real...

11. “5 Horror Stories Surrounding the Haunted Waverly Hills Sanatorium" - Top 5s

The Waverly Hills Sanatorium is possibly the most haunted building in the U.S. There's nothing more horrifying than finding out how many spirits are still trapped within these walls.

12. "13 Scariest Things Caught on Dashcam" - Chills 

I hope you never inadvertently record videos like this...

13. "3 Creepy TRUE Hitchhiking Horror Stories" - Mr. Nightmare (ft. Rob Dyke)

DO NOT PICK UP HITCHHIKERS... No matter how safe you think you are, or how smart you think you are, DO NOT pick up ANY strangers off the side of the road. You never know what could happen...

I hope these videos encourage you to be safe, especially during Halloween. Be safe, because you never know if you'll end up on one of these videos...

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