Videos Games I Can’t Wait To Play
Once we all finish our classes for this semester, we’ll have a winter break, which most people will spend the majority of the first week seeing friends back home, then the rest of the month just sitting around their house. In those three months, other than binging Netflix shows and sitting in my town’s diner until 1 a.m., I’ll probably be spending most of that time playing some of the new games that are coming out. Luckily there is a bunch of new interesting games coming out during that break and more during the rest of 2017. Here are some of the games I personally am excited to see come out.
1. “The Last Guardian”
If you haven’t seen the trailer for this game already, you have to watch it. Especially if you played games like Shadow of the Colossus or Ico, this game is definitely something you’ll like. Just watch the trailer to see how amazing these puzzles and graphics are.
Release Date: December 6, 2016
2. “Kingdom Hearts 2.8” and “Kingdom Hearts 3”
“Kingdom Hearts” is basically my entire childhood, and the majority of fans have been waiting over ten years for the release of “Kingdom Hearts 3”. Now that development has been going on for so long, everyone is just waiting for that big release date announcement. There isn’t a game I’m more excited to play than that one, but before the game releases, we’ll have “Kingdom Hearts 2.8”, which will have an HD Remix of “Dream Drop Distance”, but also two more new storylines, which I can’t wait to play.
2.8 Release Date: January 12,2017
3 Release Date: TBA But Hopefully In 2017
3. “Final Fantasy XV”
Since this is the game that put Kingdom Hearts 3 on the backburner, it better be good. But honestly, the trailer makes this game looks so pretty and well-done, that I expect to have fun playing it. Hopefully my expectations aren’t too high.
Release Date: November 29, 2016
4. “Horizon Zero Dawn”
Have you seen this game? They definitely had one of the best trailer from E3. Imagine a medieval world like Skyrim, but with giant robot monsters? Also we have a really interesting female protagonist, and the video game genre is definitely something that needs more strong female protagonists.
Release Date: February 28, 2017
5. “Watch Dogs 2”
I know the first “Watch Dogs” didn’t really live up to everyone expectations, but I believe that most of that is because they lacked an interesting storyline. The gameplay was cool, and the idea of being able to hack into everything around you was really fun to play around with, but in the end, it got boring really quick because the storyline just wasn’t really good. However, the trailer for the new game shows that they’ll hopefully have a better plot to this game, so I guess we’ll have to see and find out.
Release Date: November 15, 2016
6. “Rime”
You may not remember this game, or may not have heard of it at all, but “Rime” is a game that I personally am excited for. There hasn’t been much news about it, but we do know it is coming out soon, and I’ll be one of the people playing it.
Release Date: TBA 2017
7. “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild”
I don’t have a Wii U, but I’ll find someone that does just to play this new Zelda game. I didn’t even know they were planning on releasing a new one until I saw the trailer, but I can’t wait to see what they put in this one.
Release Date: TBA 2017
8. “Prey”
I can’t say I’m that good at shooter games or horror games, but I might get “Prey” anyway just because of how amazing it looks. There isn’t even much I can say about how beautiful this game is. You just have to watch the trailer yourself to see this game.
Release Date: TBA 2017