The Secret To Looking Like A Victoria Secret Model | The Odyssey Online
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The Secret To Looking Like A Victoria Secret Model

Want to look like a Victoria Secret Model quickly?

The Secret To Looking Like A Victoria Secret Model
alexis ren

Warning: may be triggering.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be a smaller size, instantly?

Maybe cut back your calorie intake significantly and have the weight drop right off?

To look in the mirror, see an entirely new body and maybe one you wouldn’t wish to change?

I hate that I have fooled you by the title of this article, but now that I have your attention I’m going to use it to my advantage.

I’m going to apologize to the girls that clicked on the article in hopes to hear of a new, simple diet or a weight loss secret. Truth is, I don’t have any tips or tricks to give you to lose weight quickly or to have a better-looking body. I actually want to give you some saddening facts about how common people search things like, “how to get a Victoria Secret body” or “how to lose weight quickly” because this is something my brain has been wired to think about every single day for the past few years and potentially for the rest of my life. I feel like I need to speak out on this issue until people do something about it.

I took my thoughts over to the Internet, and here is what I searched:

Just out of curiosity, I wanted to know what the internet would advise me to do.

Here is what it told me:

Cut back on sugar and starches, eat low carb (20-50 a day), drink coffee or tea, and use smaller plates.

You might not think these are drastic, but if you had any idea what our bodies truly need to survive and thrive from energy, you would understand that these are not only STUPID, but you will easily starve your body from the nutrients it needs. We don't need to cut back on carbs. If you cut back on carbs, the second you bring them back into your diet, you will gain the weight back and then some. Pastas, rice, potatoes, natural sugar.. these are all foods that fuel your body.

I almost went on a tangent, but I'm going to keep to my point.

Imagine, as a woman, that you are in a room full of 200 women. Atleast one of those woman suffers from anorexia nervosa. Now imagine, as a woman, you are in a room of 100 women. Atleast two or three of you suffer from bulimia.

It is estimated that there are over eight million Americans that suffer from anorexia or bulimia.

Eating disorders kill more people than any mental illness in the world.

"Why don't they just eat more?"

"Why can't they just get help?"

"That person isn't fat."

"She's chubby. She can't have an eating problem."

"But ----, you aren't fat. You're just being dramatic."

These are comments I've heard more than a few times. People don't understand the depth of an eating disorder. If you tell someone they are beautiful enough times, their problems are for sure going to go away, right?

Absolutely not.

I know more people than ever that constantly think about their weight or body image. I know multiple girls I've been friends over time with that have overused diet pills, or have restricted calories significantly in order to lose weight. This is a serious issue and the world doesn't take it seriously in the slightest.

Remember this girl?

That's Demi Lovato.

She admitted a few years ago, back around 2012, that she suffered from anorexia and bulimia along with other issues as well.

After she came out publicly that she was going to receive treatment, it was like a trend to admit you had a problem. I'm not saying that in a bad way either. I'm saying people finally felt comfortable enough to be honest with their problems and speak up about them. Unfortunately, they didn't last long. Demi's issues still exist, but the trend has seemed to fade away.

This sucks. The media only cares about what is popular at the time. Eating disorders are so severe that model agencies overseas are BANNING thinner models unless they have healthy BMIs. This to me is progress.

Small minded people may not understand the severity of this problem. People are so obsessed with how they look that they will kill themselves in order to look good. Who would care about that? You don't really know until it happens to you. It's easy to pick out people with body image issues when you have them yourself. There's a difference in being unhappy with what you were born with than having your brain consumed with thoughts about how much you would change your body if you could.

We need to speak up about this before this gets out of hand. No one cares unless it's a celebrity or someone in the media, and that is just awful. What if it was your little brother or sister?

If you aren't passionate about it, but you feel like you understand, do me a favor. Stop criticizing people about things they can't change. Don't tease people about how much or how little they eat. Don't feel annoyed or angry when your friends comment on their looks. Be supportive and be kind. Try to understand instead of thinking someone is ridiculous for not seeing themselves how you might see them.

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