There is no better place to find such an auspicious group of young resume-builders than on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. With intern specific ID badges firmly planted on the collars of their newly acquired "business professional" trappings, the very serious interns are here, and not even the the electricity going out at the L'Enfant Metro Station can stop these very serious interns from carrying out very serious business for their future letter of recommendation writers employers.
Navigating the deep inner workings of the underground tunnels of Capitol Hill, the excited, nervous, and mostly under-qualified interns reflect that of a human ant farm. They breeze through the hallways (ID badge: still firmly planted) with a steady march, passing up everyone from tourists to Congressmen. This is because the country's active functionality solely depends on the very serious intern getting to the flag office deliver a very serious message in a timely manner. And the very serious intern will not fail, dammit.
After overcoming the inevitable obstacle that is transferring calls to the correct legislative assistant, the very serious intern becomes comfortable with their very serious surroundings and begins to apathetically refer to their place of employment as "The Hill."
Very serious examples:
- "So, how long will you be on The Hill?"
- "Do you eventually want to come back to The Hill?"
And, of course, the very serious intern does want to come back to "The Hill." The idea of mongering the ideas of their philosophies (and for a paycheck !!!!) gives the very serious intern the audacity to press on during their quadrennial battle toward achieving their undergraduate degree.
Though, mostly the very serious intern just wants to come back to have the chance to wear the very serious ID badge again.