Shall we catch a movie of outrageous proportions?
Where characters blind us with their looks and pecs.
Explosions and sex is what we humans eat up.
So forget the art in movies and show me machine guns that are bigger than my hips.
Maybe we can skip the movie and move onto a house party?
Where people of multiple classes meet to go on a hallucinogenic journey.
Where we don't care who we meet but what we eat.
Where the drink can matter less, we want to be gone so we don't remember.
We want to wake up in the morning next to a stranger who we don't know but fell in love with.
Skip the party and head to a Mcdonalds.
The cheapest food for the cheapest bridals.
Shall I impress you or take the easy way out.
Maybe I'll consult my friends who've never left me alone without a doubt.
But my friends are disappearing, where have they gone?
Am I too blind to see that I'm all alone?
What is this curse that you've put on me?
When you leave then who will I be?
Will I be depressed and no longer have a life?
No. I refuse please bring me up to speed I have a long life that I need to see.
I will not linger and I will not pout, this is my life along with many others.
Let me see me in a moment of heat, under the sun where the grass touches my feet.
I am not Shakespeare, I am not Aristotle.
I am the simplest of all forms, I am me.