4. Nothing You Do Can Make You a Better Person – Hosea 6:6 | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

4 Bible Verses To Take Into The Fall Semester

Truths to remember when you're sitting on Landis and ready to just give up.

4 Bible Verses To Take Into The Fall Semester
Leah Fleurimond

It's here, guys. It's back, and most of us not ready to endure the pain that is fall semester. Personally, I kinda just want to not think about my impending doom, a.ka. graduation.

Growing up, I was taught to memorize bible verses but never quite understood the importance. Now, I am constantly learning how much I need God and how great it is to be aware of Him all the time. I am also learning how very difficult it is to recognize and practice what I know, especially in the chaos of college. Thankfully, we have the gift of the Bible. Scripture Memorization is basically what it sounds like—remembering certain verse or passages to equip and to help you live life. Here are few that I find helpful.

1. God Knows YOU – Psalm 139:7-8

This whole psalm is surely one to come back to. King David sings, acknowledging and reveling in the truth that the Creator so intimately knows him. This is a concept I struggled to believe and grasp, but the more I go over it in my head, because I've memorized most of it, the more it comforts me. I can imagine walking past the sorority houses near where most of my classes are and feeling overwhelmed and distant from others, God, and even myself. But to be reminded that no matter where you go, God is there, is a truth which surpasses all worry. I am not alone, and I am dearly known.

2. God is a Perfectionist – Philippians 1:6

Yes, and he is perfecting the good work He began in you. As a part of the summer program, I participated in this summer, I went out to do evangelism with a group of others. We found several people who felt distant, ashamed, doubtful, or unworthy of God because of tragedy and their own shortcomings. This verse is the first one I memorized this summer and was most useful in my conversions with the many tourists and locals. I may feel all sorts of doubt and distance towards/from God this semester, and that others may too. So, I think of this verse a lot and it is SUCH a comfort.

3. Studying is Important, but Rest is Essential – Ecclesiastes 12:12

Every time I walk past Strozier or Dirac, I think about all the students studying (or "studying"). Rarely does it cross my mind, the fact that each one of us is dealing with a different burden. We find unhealthy ways to cope, some which seem healthy but are just distractions. Dealing with your own human nature and that of others is exhausting. Pushing yourself to get a degree in something that proves more difficult or more tedious than your bright-eye freshman self could have ever dreamed drains every inch of life out of you. Sitting in a lecture hall or classroom and having to breathe through the nervous aroma of hundreds of freshman is unbearable (you all know what building I'm referring to here). It's not enough to just go home and watch Netflix; the only true way to cope is to rest your mind and your soul, whether that's through prayer/reflection, reading the Bible, exercising, talking to a friend, etc..

4. Nothing You Do Can Make You a Better Person – Hosea 6:6

There is a misconception of faith and what it means to have it, even amongst Christians. Faith is not a simple acquiescence to a thing of which we are not sure, it is the reliance on the One who has shown Himself to be sure for that certain thing. College is hard enough without all the drama and suffering that comes with life. When God said he requires mercy, not sacrifice, I believe He means to show us that our hope and salvation doesn't lie in what we offer but rather, as the verse continues that we acknowledge Him and who He is. Romans 8:39 is often quoted regarding this idea of God's unquenchable love for us but I think the above verse emphasizes our fallibility in relation to God and most of all, the heart.

Happy Fall, everyone!!

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