One day, my friends and I were taking goodies to firemen and people waiting in the ICU waiting room at the hospital. We decided to make brownies and cookies to take to these people. With each brownie and cookie, we attached a bible verse that we had written on little pieces of paper.
We had gone through our bibles praying and seeing which verses stuck out to us to write on these pieces of paper that we would give to these families. One specific verse stuck out to me so I knew I had to write that one down and pray over who to give it to.
When we went to the fire department, I gave one of the firemen the goodie bag with this verse on it. He appreciated it and it made me happy knowing that something so little can make someones day. Later, we went to the ICU. We passed out all of our goodie bags with verses on them until I had one left. I had been praying the whole time for God to show me someone to give this bag with this verse on it to.
Suddenly, I had a feeling. I knew who I had to give this to. There was an old man in the corner waiting on his wife who was in the ICU for many reasons. I gave him the verse and he immediately came to tears because that was exactly what he needed at that moment.
It made me happy knowing how much God's word can help us when we are down and feel alone. I felt great knowing that he used me to present this verse to this man as a reminder that he was there with him. I was touched by it but didn't think much of it other than how sweet it was and how glad I was that we could cheer these people up.
It later came to my attention that the man in the ICU waiting on his wife, and the fireman that received the same verse with his goodie bag were related. Both of them had been going through a lot with this lady being in the ICU. I thought that was absolutely crazy. God showed me these two people that both belonged to a family that really needed this verse and this reminder. When I found out that news, I got chills. I still do to this day.
The verse I shared with these two men was Psalms 147:3, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
This verse is one I always go to now when I am feeling discouraged or heartbroken over something.
It amazes me how we are put on this earth for a reason. To glorify God and to share his love and word with everyone we can. I hope this is an encouragement to anyone that needs it and maybe this verse helped you with whatever you are dealing with right now.