Being a vegetarian is a completely different experience for each person. Some have been one since they were a child, others are just now starting. Some are forcing themselves to live a vegetarian lifestyle due to health reasons, others naturally feel that it is best, and do not feel forced into this lifestyle. No matter the reason, every vegetarian has heard these phrases at some point in their lives.
1. "So you eat fish, right?"
Pescatarians eat fish, vegetarians do not.
2. "You can eat McDonald's chicken nuggets, they're not technically meat!"
Technically, yes, there is still some form of chicken in them. So no, they are not vegetarian.
3. "You totally have to have a cheat day, it's impossible to go years without meat."
Every vegetarian has an incident or two where they accidentally consume meat, but it is never on purpose, nor do they enjoy the fact that they consumed it. Unless a person is living a vegetarian diet and not a vegetarian lifestyle, cheat days do not exist.
4. "I could never be a vegetarian, I love steak too much!"
That's nice. I wasn't asking you to become one.
5. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" *Tries to hide burger from sight*
6. "What made you live your life like this?"
This question gets asked a lot, and although I understand the curiosity, it gets extremely old telling the same story over and over again. Not to mention that sometimes this question is asked in a rude manner.
7. "What restaurant can we eat at? I know you're a vegetarian."
Almost every restaurant has a vegetarian option. It is a lot more simpler than you think, there really is no need to go to a "special" place.
8. Why would you ruin your life?
Vegetarians are happy not consuming meat. We understand that it is not the "norm," but this is the way we choose to live our life, and we are happy with it. We are by no means ruining our lives.