Let me start by saying that there are a few vegans who give the rest of us a bad reputation. I understand that, but the majority of us are just eating what we like to eat, eating what we find is the healthiest for our bodies, and minding our own business. If you have ever found yourself pressured by a vegan, I apologize on behalf of the vegan community.
However, just because someone who is not a vegan does not agree or endorse the diet, does not mean they have the right to shun the vegan community or call it annoying. I typically find this is the case when eating meals out. Vegans are not trying to make the wait staffs' lives more difficult by removing or adding a bunch of items to our dishes. We are just trying to eat healthy while also enjoying the food that we consume. I think I speak for everyone who goes out to eat when I say that you would do the same thing.
Additionally, I find the hate regarding vegans utterly disturbing. It has gone so far as to ridicule us into being force-fed or dying. I know this seems ridiculous, but it does happen. Most recently, the editor of Waitrose Food Magazine has quit his job over a "joke" about both killing and force-feeding vegans. This is grossly unacceptable. Our diet, in no way, influences the way meat consumers decide to make their meals.
According to author Tani Khara at The Conversation, there has even been a term for people who are hateful toward vegans and vegetarians called vegephobia. The word calls attention to the derogatory discourse surrounding a plant-based diet by those who do not participate or follow such a diet. The fact that a new word had to be created to describe this phenomenon is absolutely disgusting. Again, vegans and vegetarians are just trying to do what they think is healthy for their individual bodies. This in no way infringes upon the meat-eater or their diet.
That being said, I find it hard to believe that vegans are viewed so negatively. According to a study, which was conducted by Cara MacInnis and Gordon Hodson, vegans were shown to be viewed "more negatively than atheists, immigrants, homosexuals, and asexuals." My only question is: why? All we are doing is trying to eat food the way we see fit. We are not trying to shove our diet into your face or convert you. So, next time you meet someone who discloses their preferred, vegan diet, be mindful that you do not stereotype them or give them hate for living their best life.