There are so many words out there these days to describe food: gluten-free, GMO-free, vegan, vegetarian, kosher, halal, the list goes on. I just want to take a moment and explain the difference between vegetarian and vegan. I'm not telling you how to live your life (I promise!), I've just been vegan for a few months and after explaining the difference not just to servers, but to my family and friends, I realized that not many people can distinguish between vegetarian and vegan. I'll try to explain it and if you have any further questions, feel free to let me know!
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Vegetarians do not eat poultry, fish, pork, or beef. Essentially, they don't eat animals. However, they can have milk products (butter, cheese, yogurt, etc), eggs, and animal products that can be taken from the animal without harming it. There are fewer options for vegetarians than carnivores when going out to eat so vegetarians need to plan ahead to make sure they're getting enough nutrients in their diet. Vegetarians can eat quesadillas, brownies, and other delicious things as long as they don't contain meat.
It is very difficult to give up meat. It is such a staple of the American diet that our society isn't really built for vegetarians or vegans. People choose to give up meat for many reasons whether it be for health, the environment, animals, or future generations of people. While you might not understand why someone would give up bacon (I know, hard to believe), try not to pass judgement too harshly on them. Support your local vegan/vegetarian!
Vegans are very similar to vegetarians in that they don't eat meat, however, they also don't eat anything that came from an animal. No milk products, eggs, honey, or gelatin! It is much, much harder to eat vegan. Thankfully, here in Huntsville there are places like Mason Dixon Bakery, The Roost Southern Kitchen, Chef Will the Palate, and other local businesses that have tasty vegan options. Because or these great local businesses, eating out is much easier. I especially enjoy the vegan cupcakes from Mason Dixon! I have been a vegan since May, and let me tell you when I first started planning my meals I felt hungry ALL THE TIME. Thankfully, I have been following recipes from Laura Miller and Dana Shultz that are filling and delicious. I also take supplements to make sure I'm getting all the nutrition I need to be happy and healthy!
I hope that helps clear up some confusion about the difference between vegetarianism and veganism. It isn't an easy choice to give up meat or meat and animal products, but for some people, it might be the right one. And of course, vegan and vegetarian food are not limited to just vegans or vegetarians! We all like talking about food, so if you know any vegans or vegetarians, ask them why they made such a big lifestyle change! Trust me, we would love to tell you all about it.