My favorite Editor was feeling under the weather yesterday. All I wanted was to make her a vegan iced matcha latte. With distance forbidding it, I instead decided to write up this quick, easy recipe. I made it to be vegan and organic for optimal health benefits.
Matcha green tea is made from grounded green tea leaf and it comes with the most antioxidant boost ever.
Matcha is an anti-carcinogen. This is because matcha contains a class of antioxidants called catechins and has high levels of it called EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate). Matcha is also known to increase brain function, protect the liver, and mitigate type 2 diabetes.
A 2014 study looked at 25 randomized controlled trials on the link between tea and blood pressure and reported that when people drank tea—especially green tea—for 12 weeks, their blood pressure dropped significantly.
A 2011 study reported that drinking green tea appeared to be linked with lower levels of bad LDL cholesterol
- Time Magazine
Let's get into making one!
Add Matcha
I use USDA organic matcha powder. You can put as much as you'd like. The packaging comes with a measuring spoon. Stir the powder and the boiling water together until it is a unified concoction. Be sure not to exceed the overdosing amount. WebMD has specific grams in accordance to your blood pressure.
Sweetener: brown sugar, cinnamon, Himalayan salt, nutmeg, and or cocoa.
Cool Down
Turn off the stove. Set aside the pot. Pour the mixture over some ice and your go-to milk alternative in a glass, & voilĂ !