Dear VCU Incoming Freshman,
I know you're all super excited to finally move in and get your new life started but before you do, there are just a few things you need to watch out for once you're all moved into the city.
1. Richmond sidewalks
Just like the "Freshman 15," VCU sidewalks don’t discriminate. You will trip on a brick more than five times the first week you’re there. So look up from your phone to avoid any kind of embarrassment.
2. Everyone you meet will be from NOVA
The first 50 people you’ll meet will probably be from NOVA and from Chantilly High School. Don’t be surprised when it actually happens because you’ve been warned.
3. Shafer Sh*ts
Really sorry I have to be the one to break this to you, but don’t expect Shafer food to be as delicious as it was during your orientation. You’ll learn soon enough that the only other times the food will be amazing is when there are tours happening on campus. Any other day, I’d recommend going somewhere else.
4. One-way streets
This is mostly important if you plan on bringing a car your first year at VCU and if you’re not used to a lot of one way streets. Really pay attention to the signs because you don’t want to be that person driving down the street the wrong way and having a car heading straight towards you honking its horn aggressively.
5. Bikers
Whether you’re a driver or a walker, bikers will annoy you at some point. As a driver, you're going to have to use all the self control you have not to hit a biker when you get stuck behind one and don’t have the option to pass them. As a walker, be careful about not getting hit by one because some bikers just don’t care and will do anything to squeeze through crowds.
6. Harris 101
I’ll just tell you now and save you the 20-minute hunt I had as a freshman looking for it; it’s the huge classroom across the Ram horns. You will not find it inside Harris Hall.
7. Homeless people
You can’t avoid them; they’re everywhere in Richmond. You’ll see a lot in Monroe Park and some on street corners holding up signs worth taking a picture of as proof when you tell your friends about it and they don’t believe you. In other words, don't bother them and they won't bother you.
8. VCU alerts
They will pretty much happen every weekend that you’ll get used to having your phone vibrate in the middle of the night. Just don’t ignore them and don’t be that friend who suggests checking out the area to see if something actually happened. Always be alert of your surroundings, especially at night.
9. Beautiful diversity
There’s no denying that VCU is filled with beautifully diverse students. The only problem you’ll have is trying to keep up with who’s what ethnicity.
10. Falling in love with the city
Because the campus is in the middle of the city, you’ll never run out of things to do no matter what time it is. You will fall in love with everything it has to offer and you’ll never want to graduate and leave.