A new game came out recently, No Man’s Sky by Hello Games.
In the game there are over eighteen quintillion (18,000,000,000,000,000,000) planets.It’s actually impossible for anyone to visit all of them.
This is not very different from our own world. Beyond our solar system there lie countless planets. Out there is endless, and yet we’re here on Earth.
Everything is so complex. You could explore the universe forever, but the same can be said of people. There are so many people.
Each person has their own story, each person is infinitely complex as the universe, because they are the universe.
The universe is everything, made up of small parts that create the entire whole.
It’s quite amazing to see things in this way, because it is to realize the nature of things. It is to realize how everything around us exists.
It’s to realize moments as they pass, that right now at this time, everything has come together to create this moment. In the next moment the moment that has passed is no longer possible.
This is not to say “oh, this was destined or predicted to happen.” It is to say “oh, look at what just happened! How amazing!”
Now this is not to say all events are amazing, but they all happen for a reason. Ascertaining these reasons is the primary goal.
This is how we can prevent evil, and stop the bad, by removing the conditions in which the evil is created.
It’s important to realize that each individual is as equally a part of everything is as anything else.
You are no more a part of the universe than the person you last saw. You are no more a part of the universe than the tree you passed by.
To disregard these things is foolish it is possible to use these things, honorably, and with dignity. It is possible if you remember it and put it to good use.
Much can be said about the Earth, if we ever want to see the rest of the universe, and go there, we need to think the same way.
We cannot live without the Earth, its health is of utmost importance because without the Earth, we do not exist. The entirety (almost) of human existence will cease when we die because we have poisoned the Earth.
How we see ourselves is essential not only to the survival of the individual, but of the collective survival of the human race.
All that the individual has gained will mean nothing when they destroyed everything. There will be nothing left except for “wealth” and the wealth will have no value.
This is a dark way to look at things, but it is the way things will proceed should we fail to reach this understanding. It is a choice, one that must be made, or we will lose the ability to choose entirely.
It already is too late, but we can still come back from what we have become, from the way the world sees itself.